Image guide
Here you will find all necessary information about images.
Required images
Product image - this is the main product image and will be used by Shopify in catalog and related products.
Recommended image sizes: minimum 1000 x 1000px, maximum 4000x4000px
Scene - this will be used as a base layer or background for your build; you can pick a color or use an image. Recommended image size: minimum 1600x900 or 16:9 aspect ratio; recommended format: PNG.
Thumbnail image - this is an option icon; you can pick a color or use an image. Recommended image size: 400x400 or 1:1 aspect ratio; recommended format: PNG.
Layer image - layer image will be placed over your scene.Layer image should be exactly the same size as your scene and the same size as your other layers.
Here you can download all image assets for bicycle tutorial - download
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